


Having been birthed into a family that has been nothing but unconditionally loving. David G. Bickler says that his life has been very good and blessed just by loving all the things that are of our physical reality and beyond. He honestly does believe that we, the Earthlings, have been seeded here on Earth to achieve peace, thus allowing integration- coexisting with the Et-humanoid species. So, to achieve this peace, we must teach the depths of what love can do. I’ve entertained the idea that biological decay-aging stops when loving unconditionally reigns as our shared commonality in our shared reality.

He also wrote TIME TO CHOOSE, And Sex Lies and Dreams. These books are not about control, war, or dismantling your individual religious or spiritual beliefs. However, they’ve been written to open up a new level of consciousness about how loving unconditionally can lift you, guide you, and deliver all the freedoms we have yet to enjoy.

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